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Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Bright Shining Star

This is one of two poems I just came across - written just after losing my wife! Years ago! I hadn't read them until just now! Wow! What a low point for sure...


I take a moment

And stop

On the path

I've walked...

It's been a long and hard journey -

So many mountains to climb -

Oceans to cross...

I'm so very tired...

I can feel the winds of yesterday,

Kissing my skin like a long lost friend;

I can hear the songs of a thousand songbirds,

seeming to whisper in my ear:

"Everything's going to be alright."

And, in the distance

I can see the end

Of this long and hard journey,

And it makes me

Continue on -

No matter the pain...

I turn to look behind me,

Onto every single step I've taken

On this path of life.

I can see all the faces

And all of the places

I've met along the way...

The winds seem to whisper in my ears:

"You're almost done."

And the stars seem to dance to a song

No one can hear.

I see a bright shining moon.

Every single footstep seems to glow

In the darkness of a world

Many cannot see...

I feel a solitary tear

And it's warm on my cheek

As it slowly

Makes it's way

Down my


I take a picture out of my heart,

It's tattered and faded;

From a time

Left far behind.

I can see you in my dreams

And sometimes they make me warm

In a cold, cold world...



It makes me feel tired

And alone...

I cried out the stars,

Hoping just one angel could hear me.

I whispered onto a passing current of wind:


It's a long and hard journey -

So many obstacles along the way.


I could always look back on


With a smile...


One autumn day in September.

I remember it all too well...

I look up to the stars -

They seem to dance in my tears;


I bow my head in silence.

I take this moment in my hands

And I hold it close to my heart...

I recall the first moment

I looked into your beautiful eyes

And it was as if

I had seen

Just a glimpse

Of Heaven...

You held me in your arms

And I held you -

And no world existed

Except what we claimed

As ours...

We laughed and loved,

Hoped and dreamed;

Life could not be more beautiful...

Our love was like a carefree Sparrow


A single current of wind.

We soared and floated,

Leaving the cares of a world behind.

Your smile brought me peace -

The world was truly a beautiful place...

You and I -

We saw so much

Of a world we didn't quite understand.


We had one another


That was enough...

I held your face in my two hands -

Wiped away your tears -

"This can't be the end."

It was...

Even though apart,

You were so close in my heart -

A part of my soul.

And when the time came -

I was counting down the days

Till I could hold you

Once again

In my two arms...

One month to go...

God called you home...


I remember that day well...


I saw in the heavens,

Through the tears I cried;

A brand new star

That shined extra bright

On the world we lived...

It's been nine long years,

And, I'm still walking -

Searching -

For some place

Or some face

That will bring me home

To you...

Jeg elsker dig, min kone, med alle min hjerte.

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