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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Photography For Vacation

Photography is something that almost everyone attempts while on vacation. People that would not normally touch a camera will become amateur photographers when they are on vacation. If you want to capture those special moments so you can scrapbook and cherish them forever, you will want to pick up a few expert photography techniques.

The main thing is to be relaxed and enjoy taking your pictures. After all, we are talking about vacation photography right? There are two techniques that I use that are crucial to coming home with lots of great photographs.

The first technique is to make sure I have a camera and photography accessories that will allow me to feel a certain amount of freedom when snapping photos. You see, I’ve noticed this tendency in people that use cameras with traditional films that have to be processed at a photo lab. They have limited resources in that you can only carry so many rolls of film at any one time and if you are lugging all of your equipment around say an amusement park, you may limit yourself but at least there are plenty of places to buy over priced film. Or if you are on a hike in a remote area, again you can only carry so much film and there is no place to purchase more.

In order for your photography skills to increase, you need the freedom to snap a large volume of photos. By switching to a digital camera, you not only giver yourself the freedom of taking more pictures but you reduce your expenses on getting rolls of film developed. I remember that on the first Disney vacation my wife and I went on, we had maybe a dozen rolls of film developed and it cost a pretty nice chunk of money to get them developed too. The problem was that when we got them back from the film lab, there only five photos that were in focus. The rest were either too dark or too blurry to make out.

With digital photography I take ten to twenty times more photos than I used to and that isn’t even the best part. In the evenings while we are relaxing in our villa or hotel room, I download the photos to my laptop computer, pull up some photo editing software and just generally clean out the shots I don’t want.

By the end of the vacation, I have several hundred digital photos that have already been checked, cropped, enhanced and are ready for printing. It looks like I have great photography skills but it is just an inexpensive technique with inexpensive digital photography equipment.

My other technique is to make sure I am extremely familiar with all the features of my digital camera. That can make a lot of difference when those once in a lifetime shots present themselves.

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