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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

11-Year Old Mongolian Orphan On China's Got Talent

夢中的額吉(=面前 song name mean =mother in dream,
kid of herdsman in those beautiful Hulunbeir Grassland
both parents died of car crash,
his song abt remembering her mum
he always like to sing,he actually in those singing group/choir

(also judge ask what is his dream...
he say wanna creat a pen that kind of like miracle wand that can create green pasture( hle so kind,wonder he also gd looking

lyrics of the song roughly like this:

in the vast big land,very silent,
my heart always having the scene of mother
praying,she offer milk to the sky(lord/god),
she also watching the very far far away,
my mother is in that far away place

btw : he sang in inner mongolian language

also he had actually been admitted b as a member of those singing school

hv i mention this song is actually of course not originally sang by him , but also by anothr pro young kid singer ( if my info is not wrong
below is translation /subtitle of some part by a nice person,tks

Part 1
Here's the translation, starting from 00:23
Man: Very handsome
Boy: Thank You, today I will present my best on the stage
Man: What's your name?
Boy:My name is Wu Da Mu
Man: From what your wearing, I think your from inner mongolia province
Boy: Correct, I'm from the inner mongolia province
Man: Whoch part of the mongolia province?
Man: What's your dream?

Part 2
Boy: My dream is to invent something to make more grass
Woman: That's a beautiful dream
Man: What are you going to perform today?
Boy: I'm going to sing
Man: What song?
Boy: I'm going to sing (meng zhong er ji)
Man: I know what (meng zhong) means but what is (er ji)?
Boy: (er ji) is mom
Man: Why would you pick this song?
Boy: Because when I think of mom I will sing this song
Man: Where's your mom?
Boy: Mom is in heaven
Man:How about your dad?
Boy: My dad was also killed in an accident
later i found on news that actually he kind of already studying in those singing school or group b4 entering this contest,
some "outer mongolia history

that place suppose belong to china long time ago
but by some taiwanese traitor , n sign some unfair treaty with russia ,then give to russia

that time , russia say promise to kick away japan who conquer china's north east,

i just bought 李敖' s book 大江大海骗了你
it say that Kuomintang guy is stupid
coz actually japan had kind of already say would give up on war or declared stopping war (or just few hrs away kind),but he still sign away outer mongolia to russia, n russia also wickedly :

broadcast on radio that contract had been sign ... a few hrs earlier than the real signing time

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