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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Big Cynthia whose birth name is Cynthia Walker was born October 5, 1969 to Junior and Gloria Walker. The name Junior Walker was known in every household that was a fan of the Motwon era. So as a child, Big Cynthia had the Blues running through her veins.
At the age of 16, Big Cynthia landed a gig with one of Houston's local bands. Back then, the pay wasn't much but, is wasn't the money Cynthia was concerned with. It was the love for pleasing the crowd and that she did very well.

From that point, Cynthia was chosen to become an opening act until 1996 when Cynthia was signed to Avanti Records by CEO Johnny Vincent and in 1997 her first CD was released nationally under the name Cynthia Walker,"BabY I'm The Real Thing" in 1998.
Cynthia then joined the world wide talents of Mel Waiters and traveled all over the country and was later signed to a recording contract, in 1999 with Mel Waiters.

This was a big break for Cynthia. Between traveling and recording, Cynthia and Mel put their heads together and recorded a song that was written by Cynthia entitled, "Ain't Nothing Like A Big Woman". This song was written for all the big women all around the world. Cynthia being a big woman knows what it feels like and wrote this song to uplift big women. This song was already a hit, which was released in February 2002.

Big Cynthia's next CD was released April 2004 entitled "You Didn"t Take My Man, You Took My Problem". She continued to be with Mel Waiters (Brittney Records) for the Next 4 years until she received a call from Tony Mercedes of Tony Mercedes Records who produced her CD entitled "Doing It Big" and featuring Mr. David.

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